Showing 97–112 of 130 results

Honduras Washed Micro Lot Special Preparation Finca Rio Aruco

Finca Rio Aruco lies in the beautiful Rio Aruco Valley, on the cordillera de Celaque, refreshed by the cold breeze from the nearby rainforest. Its specific microclimate, whose average annual temperature is slightly lower than surrounding areas, and the peculiar soil are the main characteristics that influence the aroma and cup profile of its coffees.
All coffees from the farm are carefully harvested by hand and meticulously sorted before being delivered for processing to the mill.
As the local communities have always lived in symbiosis with their territory, so this coffee estate does: Finca Rio Aruco emphasize the preservation of natural resources, the sustainability of its production process, the social responsibility for all the people involved in the production, and supports a re-forestation program aiming to preserve the local eco-system, the biodiversity and water river protection.
Finca Rio Aruco is involved in many social projects for the local community, such as the creation of a virtual library for children and young people, the development of policies and training courses on the child labor prevention, the creation of a youth soccer academy, the support to rural clinics for the financing of medical personnel and supplies, the creation of medical teams dedicated to the vaccinations in the most internal areas, and much more.