The coffee silverskin, or silver film of coffee, is the only by-product of the process roasting that deserves special attention in the context of a food industry sustainable: the silver film is the thin coating of the coffee bean that comes off during toasting to be then eliminated. Currently used in some producing countries of coffee as a fertilizer or organic fuel, is rich in anti-radical properties and antioxidants that make it perfect in various fields of application, such as nutrition, health and cosmetics. Furthermore, its fibrous composition and substantial lack of flavor make it the perfect ingredient for a “technical” cookie dedicated to coffee cuppers. Coffee cupping or coffee tasting is the professional tasting of a coffee, with the aim of identify the organoleptic characteristics and evaluate the taste sensations such as body, sweetness, acidity, aromas and aftertaste. This last feature is particularly insidious during the most intense cupping sessions, since the remaining track of the previous tastings risks conditioning subsequent tastings. From this need is born Plata, the coin-shaped biscuit that meets the needs of coffee cuppers who wish to clean their mouths among the various samples. Born from a recipe by Giovanni Gentle, resident chef of the Wapo restaurant in Naples where the gluten free associated with gourmet and al wellness is an essential constant, Plata is a small, rough biscuit with a flavor neutral and with a low perception of the fat component, whose peculiarity is to enhance the aromas and fragrances of coffees associated with the use of coffee silverskin. Produced by Landolfi Srl, Plata is made using just a few simple ingredients, including flour gluten-free, cane sugar and, indeed, the coffee silverskin. Plata: a technical cookie dedicated to coffee cuppers, but also a delicious break from allow yourself before or after coffee. The only drawback: one leads to another!

Plata will soon be on sale on this site … come back soon to find out more !!!